Whether it’s sunbathing in the garden or avoiding the rain indoors, I’m never far from a book in the summer months, this is what I currently have on my TBR:

Just published is Kathryn Freeman’s Thank You, Next. Kathryn’s a must-buy author for me and has been since we first met before either of us were with HarperCollins. I love her romantic, well-observed, contemporary novels, and she chooses great settings, such as TV shows. This one’s a dating show, so plenty of room for plot twists and high emotion. Till now, my favourite of Kathryn’s books (though it’s hard to choose) is Mr Right Across the Street, which is a book I wish I’d written myself.

Finding Love at Sunset Shore by Bella Osborne. I automatically preorder Bella’s rom coms. I love the way she mixes real-life issues with the romance – something I find important in my own writing. It’s what happens in real life, after all. We might be experiencing redundancy/promotion, lost friend/new friend, good or bad, but we meet someone and fall in love. Finding Love at Sunset Shore is a fake-boyfriend romance where the hero decides to go off-script. That sounds so much my cup of tea! Can’t wait for it to come out on July 18th 2024.

Legacy of the Runes by Christina Courtenay. Another preorder, which won’t arrive till August, so I must drum my fingers and wait for this, the next instalment of Christina’s Viking series. I don’t read much historical fiction and almost no dual time/timeslip . . . except for this author. Her historical detail is so authentic, and she weaves together the past and present so skilfully, that I willingly suspend my disbelief. Of course, great characters might have a lot to do with that! Her research trips are well documented on her Instagram channel, so if you want a look at Viking gold or weaponry, check out @christinacourtenayauthor.

Fangirl Down by Tessa Bailey. She comes so highly recommended by book bloggers that I thought I must give her a try, especially as I’ve enjoyed other books set in the world of sport by authors such as Lauren Layne. This is set in the world of golf, and although I’m no fangirl, I do enjoy watching the occasional game on TV and can claim to more-or-less understand the rules. From the blurb, Fangirl Down is a grumpy-sunshine romance, a favourite with me when it’s done well, and it will be great to enjoy the world it’s set in too.

While I’m on the subject of sport, in audiobook I’m looking forward to How to Win a Grand Prix by Bernie Collins. It’s no secret that I love Formula 1, and I’m sure I’ll enjoy Bernie’s stories from her time at the F1 teams of McLaren and Aston Martin. She now works for Sky F1, enlightening viewers about strategies when her fellow pundits turn to her and ask, ‘Why do you think they’re doing that, Bernie?’ I find her answers intensely interesting, and audiobooks are perfect for when I’m walking, driving, cooking or gardening. I don’t read/listen to much non-fiction, but almost all the exceptions have strong connections to Formula 1. I’ve even bought some in audio that I already own in print . . . Yep. This is where I’m a fangirl!
When I look at my ereader and my audiobook apps, as well as my print TBR pile, I can see I’ve only scratched the surface with this post, but I hope it’s given you a flavour of what I expect to enjoy. Happy reading!